
Photos Fred Stetson On equinox, September 23, 2015 friends and Canadian students gathered at the sculpture ZIG ZAG in front of the Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. ZIG ZAG is the third of Kate Pond’s sculptures in her World Sculpture Project that she has visited to open time capsules in 2015. The Colby-Curtis museum is housed in an Italianate style heritage home built in1859. It contains the collection of the Stanstead Historical Society, contents of a 1900th century home and Museum archives.
Photos: Fred Stetson Chloe Southam, director of the museum and Kate discuss the exhibit at the Museum that documents Pond’s five sculptures in the World Sculpture series.
Photo: Sandy Gandervalk Director Chloe and Kate use a Skype connection with Deputy Director Dag Andreassen at the Norsk Museum of Science in Oslo, Norway. Dag smiles while standing beside the SOLEKKO sculpture in the late afternoon sun.
ZIG ZAG – photo Barbara Waters Friends, teachers and students from the Sunnyside Elementary School in Stanstead gather and dig under ZIG ZAG to find clay artwork and painted stones buried here on equinox in 1995.
Photo: Sandy Vandervalk Young boy in blue finds foot long tube in the hole and is ecstatic!

We poke with dowels so as not to harm clay artworks.

Photo: Sandy Vandervalk The clay artifacts are carefully washed as they are found. Stanstead College student says: “Maybe I can become an archeologist!”
Photo: Fred Stetson Virginie takes the clean clay pieces into the museum exhibit room.
Photo: Barbara Waters We find a pair of earrings, a film canister and along with mildewed papers, a photograph of the Essex High School students in Vermont who created the clay pieces in 1995. We set the sodden papers to dry in the sun, and plan to have photographer Grant Simeon’s black and white film developed later.
Photo: Barbara Waters Suspense gathers as we prepare to open the tube.
Photo: Sandy Gandervalk Stanstead College students and Kate look at photos taken earlier at the sculpture ZIG ZAG.
Photo: Barbara Waters Time for a relaxing moment in the sun. Stanstead College is an independent boarding school for boys and girls in Grade 7 through 12. International students make up a good portion of the student body
Stanstead, Quebec, Canada

On equinox Sept 23, 2015 at the Colby-Curtis Museum, we will unearth clay artworks placed under the ZIG ZAG sculpture in September 1994.

Students from nearby school in Standstead watching the equinox shadow at the sculpture

Students with their artwork made during the workshop at the Colby-Curtis Museum in Quebec