Sculpture 2000
Vessel #2
2000 steel 26″ x 18″ x 35″ I made these vessels from steel pipes removed from Burlington, Vermont’s city wood chip plant, part of the fiery process of generating electricity for our city. The raw pipes were cut into shapes with a plasma torch, then electric stick welded together. Lastly, using a large roaring welding torch to heat up each entire vessel, I applied a beeswax and linseed oil mixture that melted into the surface. Lots of flame and fire. Given their history, I evisioned these vessels being used with fire;
Naiad 2000
stainless steel 6″ tall x 5″ x 17″ A brush stroke of swirling, shiny steel, NAIAD is installed near a pond on a beautiful country estate near Burlington, Vermont. From walking trails in the woods surrounding the pond one can catch glimpses of the shimmering piece in the distance. Up close, NAIAD’s reflection in the pond gives a striking double image.
Astrid Vohwinkel, illustrator from Munster, Germany, shows how the sundial works with this drawing. A person’s shadow points to the time. To tell time: stand on center season stepping stone and follow the direction of your shadow to the hour marker (allowing for daylight savings time). To view solstice and equinox sunsets and sunrises: stand on center (equinox) stepping stone and view over marker.